Today, I am feeling dazed and a little numb. I know evil exists and is more common then we want to think but, I have met so many kind people since I left. What I've been personally experiencing seems so different from what has happened here. I am not debating ideas about which style of governing is best, I am just talking about humanity, kindness and respect..
Cold Steel,
I'm not sure what you're getting at, but I felt vibrant and invigorated.
I think it's obvious what notalone is thinking. With Putin we have a psychopath who has murdered at least 54 journalists who opposed him. With Trump we have a grossly pathetic excuse of a human being.
As for nuclear war Putin is, like Trump, the bullying type who would harass and threaten the smallest of nations as well as bluster others who are equal to him.
If you really had a concern about nuclear war you would have been of the opinion that Hillary Clinton should be convinced not to do whatever she was doing. Petitions and media coverage would have been two possibilities. Instead you chose a man of no integrity who is a bully and a moron.
Donald Trump is also a semi-incompetent businessman (a billion dollar loss on a project he was counseled not to take). Whatever money he had came from selling of his name on a dozen things from food to buildings on the grounds that his unmerited image would sell those items and edifices. All glitter, no substance whatsoever. Project that into his presidency.